
Would you rather?

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  • Would you rather do a six month road trip through Europe or a six month road trip through the Americas?
  • Would you rather only ever be able to visit cities and towns that start with the letters A to M, or only be able to visit cities/towns that start with the letters N to Z? And yes, your hometown + where you currently live is included!
  • Would you rather travel for a year without headphones (or AirPods or anything similar), or travel for a year without a camera (including phone camera)?
  • Would you rather be able to understand and speak every language in the world or be able to teleport anywhere at any time?
  • Would you rather see the Northern Lights in Norway or swim with whale sharks in the Philippines?
  • Would you rather spend a long-haul flight stuck between two crying babies or two snoring old men?
  • Would you rather live in the cold mountains but it’s sunny every single day, or live at the beach where it’s warm but rains constantly?
  • Would you rather never travel ever again, or never be able to spend longer than one day in one city?
  • Would you rather fly free forever or eat for free forever?
  • Would you rather travel on a budget for a year, or travel in luxury for a month?
  • Would you rather give up sugar or alcohol during holiday?
  • Would you rather go on a tour of the 10 best food destinations around the world, or the 10 best landscape destinations?
  • Would you rather only travel to tropical destinations for the rest of your life or only travel to snowy places for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather find your true calling or find your soulmate? (And whichever one you choose, you will never find the other)