
This or That: Studying Edition

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  • study on computer or with a book
    what's your reason
  • sleep after study vs do something else
    what's your reason
  • highlight book vs highlight notes
    what's your reason
  • do homework at night or on the weekend?
    what's your reason
  • memorizing for multiple choice vs essay writing
    what's your reason
  • study in nature/outside vs study in a small room
    what's your reason
  • pen vs pencil
    what's your reason
  • small amount of work first vs large amount of work first
    what's your reason
  • with vs without music?
    what's your reason
  • hard subject first vs easy subject first
    what's your reason
  • study at your desk or in bed?
    what's your reason
  • study the night before vs study at least three days before
    what's your reason
  • with vs without food?
    what's your reason
  • study all at once vs studying with breaks
    what's your reason
  • classroom vs library
    what's your reason
  • notes on book vs notes on ipad
    what's your reason