
Halloween Game

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  • Name one of the creatures people are most scared of.
    Snakes, Rats, Bugs, Spiders and Bats
  • Make a noise like a ghost
    I thought you had wind
  • What's the scariest looking thing in your house?
    Mine is my mirror.
  • Make the scariest face you can
    Well done! That was terrifying.
  • You can't vote for yourself, so who do you think has the best Halloween costume?
    Good choice. A prize for both of you.
  • What's the scariest film you have ever seen????
    Argghhh, sounds scary
  • What was the last thing that made you jump?
    The kids jump out on me all the time. I am better at it though.
  • Howl like a werewolf
    Good job, my cat's run away