
GKC Environmental Management

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  • Which are some of the countries that have a deciduous forest biome?
    1. Canada 2. USA 3. China
  • Mention 2 ecosystems or biomes.
    1- Hot desert 2- Rainforest 3- Grassland 4- Tundra
  • Which countries are hotter, the ones near the Equator or the ones near the poles?
    The ones near the Equator.
  • Mention two characteristics of the tropical zone.
    It's warm the whole year round and it rains a lot.
  • Define environmental issues. Name three examples.
    1- Deforestation 2- Ice melting 3- Sea pollution 4- Greenhouse effect
  • What is an ecosystem?
    It`s a community of plants and animals which interact with each other and with their non living environment.
  • Mention two characteristics of hot deserts.
    1-Very high temperatures. 2-Little or no rainfall 3-Small, thorny bushes.
  • What is the temperature for the polar climate in winter?
    The sun never rises above the horizon and the temperatures remain below zero all day.
  • What is the basic structure of the earth?
    1. Crust 2. Mantle 3. Inner core 4. Outer core
  • Which is the biggest problem in the desert?
    The shortage of water.