
Impact 2 Unit 6

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  • If you don’t water the plants, they____________.
    'll dies
    're dying
    'll die
  • If you __________the onions into small pieces, they__________ longer to cook
    going to / for more
    can / 'll much
    cut/ will be
    don’t chop/ ’ll take
  • If you go to the supermarket, __________________ to get some apples.
    don't forget
    remember the
    have a
    don't bring
  • If you ____________hungry at lunchtime, save your lunch for later.
    will be
    have not
    ’re not
  • . f there is not enough food for everyone at the party, we _________________more pizzas
    'll order
    'll eat
    'll flip
    'll pizza
  • If the blueberries are too soft, ___________them in a smoothie
  • If you push the button, the light_____________________ off.
    will go
    shall blink
    can shoot
    will break
  • If I_________________ the cake tonight, I _____________it tomorrow.
    bake / ’ll decorate
    bakes / 'll
    haven't eaten/ will throw it away
    don't eat, will eaten
  • If he throws away the leftover food, it _______________ into the dumpster.
    will go
    will went
    will be
  • If I________________ a new food and like it, I________________ it again
    eat / try
    try / 'll eat
    eat/ eat
    eat / jump