
All american

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  • drift apart
    to become less friendly or close to sb
  • agile
    able to move quickly and easily
  • bear fruit
    expr to have a successful result
  • ins and outs
    expr all the details, especially the complicated or difficult ones
  • ditch
    to get rid of sb or sth because you no longer like or need them
  • brick-and-mortar
    a business that operates from a shop or a building that customers visit, rather than only online
  • reach for the stars
    expr to try to be successful at sth that is difficult
  • knack
    a natural skill or ability
  • undertake
    to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it
  • resemblance
    the fact of being or looking similar to sb/sth
  • outsell
    to sell more or to be sold in larger quantities than sb/sth
  • apples and oranges
    expr used to describe a situation in which two people or things are completely different from each other
  • impasse
    a difficult situation in which no progress can be made because the people involved cannot agree what to do
  • lay eyes on sb/sth
    expr to see sb/sth
  • ambiguity
    the state of being unclear, confusing, or not certain, or things that produce this effect
  • negligence
    failure to give care or attention, especially when this causes harm or damage
  • impede
    to delay or stop the progress of sth
  • by and large
    expr used when you are saying sth that is generally, but not completely, true
  • hamper
    to prevent sb from doing sth easily
  • allusion
    sth said or written that refers to another person or subject in an indirect way
  • the length and breadth
    expr in or to all parts of a place
  • compile
    to make sth such as a list or book by bringing together information from many different places
  • unparalleled
    bigger, better, or worse than anything else
  • unprecedented
    that has never happened before; the greatest in size, amount, degree, etc. that has ever been known
  • condemn
    (a) to say very strongly that you think sth is bad, usually for moral reasons; (b) to pronounce sb guilty, or to give sb a punishment, e.g. send them to prison
  • foundation
    a principle, an idea, or a fact that sth is based on and that it grows from
  • underscore
    to emphasize the fact that sth is important or true
  • accumulation
    the process of gradually increasing or getting more and more of sth over a period of time
  • penitentiary
    a prison
  • put off
    discourage, deter
  • cut-and-dried
    decided in a way that cannot be changed or argued about