
Fruit, Vegetables, Food and Drinks

  •   0%
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  • hiç
    there aren't any chicken
  • hiç
    there aren't any hamburger
  • çok
    there are lots of plums
  • hiç
    there aren't any pancake
  • biraz
    there are some bread
  • çok
    there are lots of mangoes
  • biraz
    there are some rice
  • hiç
    there aren't any popcorn
  • çok
    there are lots of strawberries
  • çok
    there are lots of cherries
  • biraz
    there are some pizza
  • some
    there are some beans
  • çok
    there are lots of blackberries
  • hiç
    there aren't any yogurt
  • çok
    there are lots of bananas
  • hiç
    there aren't any cereal
  • çok
    there are lots of  watermelons
  • hiç
    there aren't any candy
  • çok
    there are lots of coconuts
  • çok
    there are lots of apples
  • hiç
    there aren't any ice creams
  • biraz
    there are some fish
  • çok
    there are lots of blueberries
  • hiç
    there aren't any juice
  • çok
    there are lots of melons
  • biraz
    there are some milk
  • çok
    there are lots of carrots
  • biraz
    there are some butter
  • çok
    there are lots of pineapples
  • biraz
    there are some cakes
  • hiç
    there aren't any coffee
  • çok
    there are lots of oranges
  • biraz
    there are some chocolates
  • biraz
    there are some milkshake
  • çok
    there are lots of limes
  • biraz
    there are some salad
  • çok
    there are lots of potatoes
  • çok
    there are lots of avocados
  • çok
    there are lots of lemons
  • biraz
    there are some water
  • biraz
    there are some honey
  • biraz
    there are some sandwich
  • çok
    there are lots of tomatoes
  • hiç
    there aren't any cheese
  • biraz
    there are some honey
  • biraz
    there are some tea
  • çok
    there are lots of pears
  • hiç
    there aren't any lemonade
  • hiç
    there aren't any pasta
  • çok
    there are lots of kiwis
  • biraz
    there are some meat
  • çok
    there are lots of grapes
  • çok
    there are lots of onions
  • hiç
    there aren't any eggs