
Spring inferences

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  • I am a drink. I am made out of lemons and I am very sweet. What am I?
  • I am a clothing. You wear me on your feet. I keep you dry when it rains. What am I?
    Rain boots
  • I am an insect. I am yellow and black. I fly to flowers and make honey. You might hear me buzzing around. What am I?
    A bee
  • I am a type of plant. I grow from the ground. I can be many colors and I have beautiful pedals. What am I?
  • I am a type of weather. I fall from the sky. You might need to grab an umbrella when I start. What am I?
  • I am a place. I am wet. You have to wear a bathing suit when you get inside. Where am I?
    The pool
  • I am something you see in the sky. I have many colors. I come out after it rains. What am I?
    A rainbow
  • I am a vehicle. I have two wheels, a bell and a seat. You can ride me but make sure you wear a helmet! What am I?
    A bike
  • I am a toy. I am square. You can build towers or houses using me. What am I?
  • I am a fruit. I am can be red, and I have a skin and stem. I am crunchy and sweet. What am I?
    An apple
  • I am a place. Pigs, cows and horses live here.You can visit me and feed the animals. Where am I?
    A farm
  • I am an insect. I am green and small. I make a cacoon. What am I?
    A caterpillar
  • I am a machine. You can dial numbers on me. You can use me to call or text people. What am I?
    A phone
  • I am a type of insect. I am red with black spots. I am small and I fly around. What am I ?
    Lady bug
  • I am a fruit. I am an oval. I am pink and green. I am sweet and I have black seeds. What am I?
  • I am an instrument. I am loud when you hit me. I am round. What am I?
  • I am a type of food. I am cold and when it is hot outside i melt. I have many flavors. What am I?
    Ice cream
  • I am a place. I have swings, slides, and monkey bars. Kids love to visit me when it's nice outside. Where am I?
    The park
  • I am clothing. You wear me when it rains. I have a hood, buttons or a zipper and I keep you dry. What am I?
    A rain coat
  • I am an animal. I live in the water. I am green and hop to different lilly pads in the pond. What am I?
    A frog