
Past Simple Sentence Formation

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  • Create a sentence (carry)
    Batman carried Superman...
  • Create a sentence (bake) NEGATIVE
    She DIDN'T bake a cake...
  • Create a sentence (play) NEGATIVE
    She didn't play soccer/football...
  • Create a sentence (dance)
    Spiderman danced...
  • Create a sentence (watch) QUESTION
    Did he watch TV?
  • Create a sentence (clean)
    She cleaned...
  • Create a sentence (hug)
    Stitch hugged Lilo...
  • Create a sentence (phone)
    He phoned...
  • Create a sentence (shout) QUESTION
    Did Hulk shout?
  • Create a sentence (study) NEGATIVE
    Homer didn't  study...
  • Create a sentence (smile) NEGATIVE
    Thor DIDN'T smile.
  • Create a sentence (fix) QUESTION
    Did he fix the car?
  • Create a sentence (kick) NEGATIVE
    She didn't kick...
  • Create a sentence (brush)
    He brushed his teeth...
  • Create a sentence (kiss) QUESTION
    Did Minnie kiss Mickey?
  • Create a sentence (cry) NEGATIVE
    Britney didn't cry.
  • Create a sentence (listen) NEGATIVE
    He didn't listen to music.
  • Create a sentence (laugh) QUESTION
    Did he laugh?
  • Create a sentence (jump) QUESTIONS
    Did they jump...
  • Create a sentence (snap)
    Thanos snapped his fingers...