
Advanced Vocabulary

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  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word NOURISH
    verb - to supply what is necessary for life, health, and growth.
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word DETACHMENT
    noun - the feeling of not being personally involved or emotionally interested.
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word NUMBED
    verb - deprived or feeling or responsiveness
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word STAGNATION
    noun - a situation in which something stays the same and does not grow or develop.
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word AUTHENTIC
    adj - original and genuine
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word RELATABLE
    adj - connected or related to something else
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word SCOPE
    noun - topic or piece of work in the whole area which it deals with or includes.
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word ZEALOT
    noun: fanatical partisan
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word VULNERABILITY
    ADJ: capable of being physically or emotionally wounded
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word SHIFT
    verb - to move from one place, person, etc to another.
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word THRIVE
    verb - develop well, vigorous
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word BOOST
    verb: to increase or raise
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word WOUND
    noun - An injury caused by cut or other impact, where the skin is broken. It can be something caused by a situation and not be literal.
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word DECEIVE
    verb - deliberately make someone believe something that is not true, especially for a personal gain.
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word TEMPLATE
    noun - material used to reproduce the same thing many times.
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word EMPOWER
    verb - to give someone the official authority or the freedom to do something.
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word LEVERAGE
    verb - to use something to maximum advantage.
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word LOATHING
    noun: extreme disgust
  • Give the meaning and part of speech of the word EVOLVE
    verb: develop or work out