
Core Skills Review Game

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  • What does ZPD stand for?
    The Zone of Proximal Development
  • Name three activities for recycling vocabulary that encourage creativity
  • Name four types of questions teachers often ask.
    Higher Order, Lower Order, Open, Closed
  • According to Harvard University, NESW stands for Need to know, Excitement, Suggestions, and Worries. What order do you usually say these four compass points? What language activity can you use this for?
  • What are the four key features of Critical Thinking?
  • Bloom's taxonomy lists which three verbs as higher order thinking skills?
    Create, Evaluate, Analyse
  • Describe, Explain, Identify and Summarise fall into which level of Bloom's taxonomy?
  • What does MKO stand for?
    More Knowledgeable Other
  • Define ‘Problem Solving’
    Whenever a goal that is blocked for any reason - lack of resources, information and so on - you have a problem. Whatever you do to achieve your goal is PS
  • Communication and Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Creativity and Imagination are three of the main Core Skills? What are the other three?
    Digital Literacy, (Global) Citizenship, and Leadership
  • What are the four main ways that teachers can differentiate their instruction?
    Content, Process, Product, and Learning Environment
  • ________________ is a communicative and collaborative activity involving the teacher reading out a text twice and the students working together to create an exact replica of the text
  • Do strict task instructions encourage or discourage creativity?
    Can do both
  • What are two advantages of using mixed-ability groups.
  • Tailoring teaching to suit the individual needs of the learners is commonly known as __________?
  • What are some of the roles that students can take up in a creative activity like ‘The Newspaper Challenge’?
  • What are the two meanings of the acronym TTT?
    Teacher Talking Time / Test-Teach-Test
  • What is the difference between teaching creatively and teaching for creativity?
  • The context challenge focuses on creative environment and ______________.
  • Complete the key theme in teaching for creativity: Supporting _________ risk-taking.
  • Who proposed the Theory of Multiple Intelligences?
    Howard Gardner (in 1983)
  • What does ICQ stand for?
    Instruction Checking Question
  • Jigsaw Reading, Spot the Difference and Drawing Dictations are all examples of ___________?
    Information Gap Activities
  • Name two situations that you can use creativity and imagination outside of work.