
Daily Routine

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  • You do this so you can meet your friends and learn new things.
    get up
    have a shower
    go to school
    watch TV
  • You do this to learn after school.
    get up
    have breakfast
    do homework
    listen to music
  • You do this when your alarm clock goes off in the morning.
    do homework
    wake up
    go to school
    go to bed
  • You do this after a long day and just before you fall asleep.
    go to school
    do homework
    go to bed
    have a shower
  • You do this at the dinner table with your family.
    do homework
    have dinner
    have breakfast
    brush your teeth
  • You do this in the afternoon when your classes at school have finished
    go to school
    do homework
    go home
    brush your teeth
  • Your dentist will be pleased if you do this twice a day.
    have dinner
    go to school
    do homework
    brush your teeth
  • You do this after you wake up.
    go to school
    watch TV
    take a bus
    get up
  • You do this to make your body and hair clean.
    have a shower
    do homework
    go to school
    have dinner
  • You do this in the morning because it is the most important meal of the day.
    brush your teeth
    have dinner
    get up
    have breakfast