
Spring Vocabulary and Cultural Celebrations.

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  • What spring festival is this and where?
    St. Patrick's Day, Dublin, Ireland.
  • What is this day in April?
    Earth Day
  • In spring the earth ______ up and _____ out.
    In spring the earth warms up and thaws out.
  • In spring the days get ______er and the nights get _____er.
    In spring the days get longer and the nights get shorter.
  • What does the expression "just around the corner" mean?
    It's coming soon/happening soon
  • What spring festival is this and where?
    It's the Cherry Blossom Festival, Japan.
  • What spring festival is this and where is it?
    It's Holi Spring Festival, India.
  • What popular spring activity is this?
    It's a picnic.
  • Why are eggs and bunny rabbits associated with Easter?
    They represent the colorful season of spring when animals give birth and flowers bloom.
  • What spring festival is this and where?
    Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • What do people do on Arbor Day?
    They plant trees.
  • What are people doing and why?
    Kids are on an Easter Egg Hunt because It's Easter.
  • What are the two well known animals that come out of hibernation during spring?
    bears and frogs
  • What happens in spring?
    Flowers grow and bloom.
  • What happens in spring?
    Animals emerge and give birth.
  • Describe the weather in spring.
    It's warmer, rainy and can be cool.
  • What spring festival is this and where?
    National Cherry Blossom Festival, Washington DC, USA.
  • What spring festival is this and where?
    Coachella Music and Arts Festival, California, USA.
  • What spring festival is this and where?
    Tulip Festival, Keukenhof, the Netherlands.
  • What does spring cleaning mean?
    to clean the house, to rejuvenate, out with the old, in with the new
  • What is significant about April 1st and what do people do?
    It's April Fools Day and some people like to trick others.
  • What spring festival is this and where?
    Songkran Water Festival, Thailand.
  • What spring festival is this and where?
    Albuquerque International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, New Mexico, USA.
  • What spring festival is this and where?
    Mardi Gras, New Oreleans, USA
  • What season is it now?
    It's spring.