
Ancient Egypt

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  • Important architectural achievement, lion with head of a pharaoh, used for unknown purpose. What am I?
  • Give at least 2 facts about a slave.
    prisoners of war, sold into slavery because of debt, no edu., no rights, no money, could earn freedom back
  • Where did pharaoh's get their power?
    the gods
  • What was Egypts relationship with Nubia? (2 things)
    Nubia controlled trade between Egypt and interior Egypt. They also experienced cultural diffusion through trade.
  • Name the paper-like material that Egyptians wrote on.
  • Upper Egypt earned it's name for what two reasons?
    Higher elevation and upstream
  • name #2
    Mediterranean Sea
  • name the form of Egyptian writing.
  • The Nile river is the _____ river in the world.
  • How did Queen Hatshepsut help Egypt?
    She built up their economy by developing foreign trade policies
  • name #5
    Upper Egypt
  • What class would a Slave belong?
    lower class
  • What was the name of their religion?
  • Lower Egypt earned it's name for what two reasons?
    Lower elevation and it is downstream
  • Name # 3
    Nile Delta
  • How many seasons did the Egyptians have? Name them.
    3 flood, plant, and harvest
  • What was the significance of King Tut's tomb?
    It was the first tomb found with all of its funerary objects still in place
  • How did Ramses the Great help Egypt?
    He focused on military conquests
  • What desert is Ancient Egypt surrounded by?
  • Name #4
    Red Sea
  • What two reasons did people settle around the Nile river?
    water and fertile soil
  • Name # 6
    Nile River
  • What was the purpose of mummification?
    To provide the spirit a body in the afterlife
  • How did farmers expand the amount of land they farmed?
    They used irrigation
  • How many days are in the Egyptian calendar?
  • Important architectural achievement, had many chambers with things the kings need in the afterlife, built as tombs for the bodies of kings. What am I?
  • Name # 1
    Lower Egypt
  • What class would a noble belong?
    Ruling Class
  • How were the social classes organized?
    by occupation
  • What class would a soldier belong?
    Middle Class