
Coraline Ch-1-3 quiz

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  • What happens in the story? What is the story about? Plot or Introduction
  • The person who tells the story is the: Author or Narrator
  • A simile is a comparison between two things that contains: like/as or because/so
  • In the “other world”, the old man’s mice have become what animals? Dogs or Rats
  • What kind of food does Coraline's father cook? Delicious food or Terrible food
    Terrible food
  • How does Coraline feel about her new home and surroundings initially? She is scared and apprehensive or she is excited and thrilled to explore
    She is excited and thrilled to explore
  • How do Coraline's Other Mother and Father treat her? They show her lots of attention or They ignore her
    They show her lots of attention
  • Why did Coraline and her mother go to town? To buy school clothes or to buy play clothes
    To buy school clothes
  • How do Coraline's mother and father treat her? They play with her or They ignore her
    They ignore her
  • What kind of food did the Other Mother cook? Delicious food or Terrible food
    Delicious food
  • The main idea or underlying meaning in a story or novel is called the: Plot or Theme
  • What color gloves does Coraline want to buy? Day-glo blue or Day glo-green
    Day glo-green
  • Why did Coraline's mother and the shop assistant think it would be best to buy Coraline a baggy sweater? Because Coraline was fat or So that she would grow into it
    So that she would grow into it
  • What were Coraline's other mother and other father doing simultaneously as Coraline went outside to explore the outside of this other world?watching her, waving, and smiling or watching her, waving, and frowning
    watching her, waving, and smiling
  • What were under Coraline's bed that started singing the creepy song? A Rat or a Mice
    A Rat
  • What was Coraline trying to get when she climbed up on the chair with the broom?The keys to the door in the drawing room or A cookie jar
    The keys to the door in the drawing room
  • What place did Miss Spink and Forcible tell Coraline to stay away from? The attic upstairs or the well outside
    The well Outside
  • What kind of animals did Spink and Forcible have? Cats or Dogs
  • What did Coraline's mother reveal was behind the locked door? A wall or another room
    A wall
  • Who warned Coraline not to go through the door? The mice or The old man
    The mice
  • Who is the antagonist of the story? The Mother or The Other Mother
    The Other Mother
  • What did the old ladies give to Coraline to protect her? A big stone or A stone with a hole in it
    A stone with a hole in it
  • What's the name of the protagonist of this book? Caroline or Coraline
  • What mysterious thing did Coraline first discover in her new house? A rusty key or a locked door
    A locked door
  • 1st person narration uses the words: I/me/us/we or The boy/The girl
  • What did the other mother have instead of eyes? Buttons or Hole