
Self-Advocacy: What Should You Do/Say?

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  • You are assigned washing the dishes but there are so many dishes to do and you have to finish schoolwork also.
  • You really need help with a challenging math worksheet.
  • You really want to choose the movie for family movie night.
  • You are asked to pair with another kid at school who makes you feel uncomfortable.
  • Your teacher says your name incorrectly.
  • You don't remember what you are supposed to do for an assignment and the directions are confusing.
  • A game is really hard for you and you are embarrassed that you can't do it well.
  • You feel stressed because there are so many things you feel you have to do.
  • You go to a school event but feel sick.
  • Your friend keeps calling you a name that you don't like, even though she finds it cute and funny.
  • Your head hurts but you are really behind in schoolwork.
  • Your siblings are being way too loud.
  • There is so much homework for you to do and you have a hard time organizing your work.
  • Your sibling keeps using your laptop when you have asked them not to multiple times.
  • Your friends really want you to watch a football game with them but you don't want to do that.