
answer the questions

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  • Did they see each other last week? (Tak, widzieli się)
    Yes, they did
  • May I open the window? (Pewnie, śmiało)
    Sure, go ahead.
  • Do cows eat grass?
    Yes, they do
  • Are they still doing their homework? (Tak, robią)
    Yes, they are.
  • Can you watch TV after 9.00 p.m.?
    Absolutely not
  • How much are the gloves? (4 funty 50 pensów)
    Four pounds fifty pens /pi.
  • Would you like some salad?
    Yes please.
  • How are you?
    I'm fine. And you?
  • Is it Sophia's boyfriend? (Tak, tak myślę)
    Yes, I think so.
  • What flavour is it? (waniliowy)
  • I like wearing jeans to school. (Ja również)
    Me too.
  • Can I have some sweets? (Proszę)
    Here you are.