
Prehistory 1

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  • How did Paleolithic people get food?
    They hunted and fished, and they collected fruit and plants.
  • The Bronze and Iron Ages What did they use first: iron or bronze?
  • When did the Bronze and Iron Ages start: 7000 years ago or 700 years ago?
    7000 years ago
  • What marked the begining of the mesolithic period?
    creation of better stone tools and early domestication of animals were in their early stages and not fully developed until the beginning of the neolithic era.
  • Neolithic people exchanged crops and products. This was the beginning of …
  • What did Paleolithic people make tools from?
    Stone, wood and animal bones
  • Bronze and Iron Ages. What did they build to defend their villages: megaliths or walls?
  • What do we call people who don’t live permanently in one place?
  • Neolithic people made … pots.
  • What things from the Paleolithic Period can we still see today?
    Cave paintings, objects and bones
  • Bronze and Iron Ages. What did people invent: the wheel or agriculture?
    The wheel
  • What did Paleolithic people discover?
    They discovered how to make fire.
  • How did Paleolithic people get food?
    They hunted and fished, and they collected fruit and plants.
  • Neolithic people discovered …
  • Neolithic people could be farmers or
  • . What were Paleolithic people’s clothes made of?
    Animal skins
  • Neolithic people weren’t nomadic. They were …
  • The Neolithic Period started about … years ago.
  • When did the Bronze and Iron Ages start: 7000 years ago or 700 years ago?
    7000 years ago
  • The Bronze and Iron Ages. What did people discover: how to make objects from: stone or metal? Metal