
S5-S6 Geography

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  • What body of water surrounds the Balearic Islands?
    The Mediterranean Sea
  • What is the mountain range between Spain and France?
    The Pyrenees
  • What is the longest river in the Iberian peninsula?
    The Tagus River
  • What are the territories that form Spain? (Name all of them.)
    Peninsular territory, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta & Melilla
  • Spain's large central plateau occupies approximately _____ percent of the peninsular territory.
    Forty-five (45%)
  • What is the capital of Poland?
  • What is the capital of Ireland?
  • What body of water is directly north of Spain? (It is west of France.)
    Cantabrian Sea
  • Name one example of an EXTERNAL cause that changes the relief of the Earth's surface.
    Atmospheric phenomena, water, living beings
  • What is an archipelago?
    A chain or group of islands, such as (for example) the Canary Islands
  • What are the eight provinces of Andalusia?
    Huelva, Sevilla, Cádiz, Málaga, Córdoba, Jaén, Granada and Almería
  • What is the capital city of Extremadura?
  • The large central plateau of Spain is called the _________.
    Meseta Central
  • Name one example of an INTERNAL cause that changes the relief of the Earth's surface.
    Earthquakes, tsunamis, or volcanoes
  • How many main islands form the Canary Islands?
    Seven (Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, La Graciosa, La Gomera, La Palma, El Hierro)
  • What is the capital city of Galicia?
    Santiago de Compostela
  • What is the capital of Austria?
  • What is the capital of Hungary?
  • Helsinki is the capital of which country?
  • What are the three basins (watersheds) in Spain?
    The Cantabric, Atlantic, and Mediterranean Basins
  • What body of water surrounds the Canary Islands?
    The Atlantic Ocean
  • What countries border Spain?
    Portugal, France, Andorra; Morrocco (via Ceuta, Melilla, and Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera), and Gibraltar (British Overseas Territory)
  • What is a peninsula?
    A piece of land that is connected to a larger land mass, but is mostly surrounded by water
  • What is the capital of Sweden?