
YLC2 Warm Up Unit 8 Real World Flu

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  • I can get a flu  _____________ at the hospital
  • Wash your hands with _____________.
  • What are some of the symptoms of the flu?
    fever/ cough/ muscle pain/ vomiting
  • When you go outside don't forget your ___________.
  • What is it?
    A virus
  • What can we do to protect ourselves from the flu? Name two things.
    Wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands often, get a vaccine
  • Oh no, I think I caught a disease! I should see a ______________
  • What are they doing?
    Social distancing
  • What is this?
    hand sanitizer
  • What are they doing?
    They are washing their hands.
  • What is it?
    COVID test
  • I have a cough and a fever. Maybe I have ____________
    a sickness/illness/the flu, etc.
  • If you have the flu, you should ____________.
    Stay at home
  • Don't go to school or work  if you're sick, stay at _________
  • Is he wearing his mask correctly?
    No, he isn't.