
Hero's Journey Formula

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  • What happens in the depature stage?
    The hero crosses the threshold from his normal, safe home and enters the special world.
  • What happens in the call to adventure stage?
    The hero receives a challenge or invitation to do something
  • What happens in the trials stage?
    He faces a few challenges. For example, he might slay a monster, escape a trap.
  • What happens in the status quo stage?
    Everything is back to normal, but with a upgrade to the hero's life.
  • What happens in the return stage?
    The hero returns to his ordinary world.
  • What happens in the treasure stage?
    The hero receives some kind of reward, treasure or recognition.
  • What happens in the crisis stage?
    The hero faces a great ordeal. He might even die.
  • What happens in the result stage?
    It varies between stories.
  • What happens in the assistance stage?
    The hero receives assistance from someone. Usually someone older and wiser.
  • What happens in the resolution phase?
    All tangled plot lines get straightened out. (All problems are solved.)
  • What happens in the approach stage?
    The hero faces his biggest ordeal and worst fear.
  • What happens in the new life stage?
    He starts a new life in his normal world because of his quest.