
AI vocabulary

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  • What AI technology does Facebook use?
    Social Media Algorithms
  • What is data?
    This is the information that computers use to learn and make decisions. It can be words, numbers, pictures, and more.
  • What kind of AI technology is Siri?
    Voice Assistant
  • What is machine learning?
    When we let computers learn things by themselves
  • Some smartphones use _______________.
    facial recognition systems
  • What kind of AI technology does Amazon use?
    Recommendation System
  • What is an algorithm?
    A list of steps that the computer follows to do something.
  • You can send messages to a _________ to answer a question.
  • What kind of AI technology does YouTube use?
    Recommendation System
  • What AI technology does Instagram use?
    Social Media Algorithms
  • Some Teslas are _____________.
    self-driving cars
  • What AI technology does TikTok use?
    Social Media Algorithms