
G3 - U9 Review

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  • Where is this place?
    movie theater
  • Are there many supermarkets now?
    Yes, there are.
  • Are there any shopping centers in your city?
    Yes, there are. There are a lot of shopping centers where I live.
  • Were there parking lots 1000 years ago?
    No, there weren't.
  • Where is this place?
    parking lot
  • Is there a coffee shop near your house?
    Yes, there is. - No, there isn't.
  • Name four places in Ho Chi Minh city.
    (examples) parking lot, supermarket, market, cafe
  • Are there many factories in Ho Chi Minh city?
    Yes, there are.
  • Where is this place?
    sports center
  • Are there skyscrapers in Viet Nam?
    Yes, there are.
  • Where is this place?
  • Where is this place?
  • Were there stores in your town 10 years ago?
    No, there weren't.
  • Were there a lot of street markets 50 years ago in Viet Nam?
    No, there weren't.