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  • What is this and where is it from?
    This is as kangaroo. It's from Australia
  • What are these and where are they from?
    They're Koalas. They're from Australia
  • What is this and where is it from?
    This is a Bald Eagle. It's from North America
  • What is this and where is it from?
    This is a tiger. It's from Asia
  • What are these and where are they from?
    These are italian wolves. They are from Europe
  • What are these and where are they from?
    These are pandas. They're from Asia
  • What is this and where is it from?
    This is a lion. It's from Africa
  • What is this and where is it from?
    This is an elephant. It's from Africa/Asia
  • What is this and where is it from?
    This is a sloth. It's from South America
  • What is this and where is it from?
    This is an American Moose It's from North America
  • What is this and where is it from?
    This is a brown bear. It's from Europe
  • What is this and where is it from?
    This is an Armadillo. It's from South America