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  • Friend: "Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party. I've always wanted to spend an afternoon watching paint dry."
  • Student: "Thanks for the huge pile of homework. I was just thinking I needed more stress in my life."
  • Teacher: "Excellent spelling on your test! I've never seen 'cat' spelled with three 'z's before."
  • Teacher: "Your desk is so organized; it's like a hurricane passed through and magically left everything in its place."
  • Teacher: "Your science project is groundbreaking. I never thought a volcano made of baking soda and vinegar could be so revolutionary."
  • Teacher: "Oh, what a surprise! Another story about your pet rock's thrilling adventures. I can hardly contain my excitement."
  • Friend: "Thanks for the delicious snack. I've always wanted to try peanut butter and pickles together."
  • Student: "Oh, wonderful! I just love getting extra homework over the weekend."
  • Teacher: "Thank you for sharing your snack with me. I've always wanted a taste of cardboard-flavored granola bars."
  • Student: "Your choice of outfit today is truly one-of-a-kind. I bet the fashion magazines will be calling you any day now."
  • Friend: "Nice shoes! Did you borrow them from a circus clown?"
  • Student: "Your story about flying to the moon on a giant marshmallow was absolutely believable. I'm sure NASA would love to hear about it."
  • Friend: "Your lunch looks delicious! Cold, squished sandwiches are my favorite."
  • Teacher: "Thank you for turning in your homework on time. I was starting to worry I wouldn't have anything to grade."
  • Teacher: "Amazing job on your math homework. I never knew that 2 + 2 equaled 'purple.'"