
Plants Review (3rd of Primary)

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  • During respiration, plants take in ____________ and release _________ _______________.
    oxygen / carbon dioxide
  • What's the name of the flower's female reproductive organ? (The whole thing)
    The carpel
  • How do gymnosperms reproduce?
    They reproduce with cones.
  • In what part of the carpel do seeds develop?
    In the ovary
  • What is it called when pollen travels from the stamen to the stigma?
    It's called pollination.
  • TRUE or FALSE: Photosynthesis occurs at night.
    FALSE: Plants must have sunlight.
  • What's the name of the flower's male reproductive organs?
    The stamens
  • What part of the carpel collects the pollen?
    The stigma
  • Point to the stamens.
    (point to the brown/orange parts on the outside)
  • TRUE of FALSE: When plants do photosynthesis they release the oxgen they do not need into the air.
    TRUE: During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. (the oposite of respiration)
  • What part of the flower becomes the fruit?
    The ovary (of the carpel)
  • Plants need water, carbon dioxide, _______________, chlorophyll in the leaves, and sunlight to make their own food.
  • How do mosses and ferns reproduce?
    They reproduce with spores.
  • What are the two types of pollination?
    Animal pollination and wind pollination.
  • Plants need water, _________ ____________, minerals, chlorophyll in the leaves, and sunlight to make their own food.
    carbon dioxide
  • What is the colourful part of the flower called?
    The petals
  • Why do petals have colours?
    They have colours to attract insects.
  • What do we call plants that reproduce with seeds?
    They are called seed plants.
  • What do the stamens produce?
    They produce pollen.
  • Which type of plant reproduces with flowers: moss, ferns, angiosperms, or gymnosperms?
    Angiosperms reproduce with flowers.
  • What's is called when plants make their own food (sugars)?
    It's called Photosynthesis.
  • What are the two types of seed plants?
    They are gymnosperms and angiosperms.
  • What is the basic function of a flower?
    It is to produce seeds.
  • Plants need ___________, carbon dioxide, minerals, chlorophyll in the leaves, and sunlight to make their own food.
  • Plants need water, carbon dioxide, minerals, chlorophyll in the leaves, and ________________ to make their own food.
  • TRUE OR FALSE:  Only bees pollinate flowers.
    FALSE: flowers can be pollinated by other animals (birds, bats, butterflys) and by the wind.
  • Where are the seeds (in angiosperms)?
    They are inside the fruit.
  • What do we call plants that reproduce with spores?
    We call them non-seed plants.
  • Point to the stigma.
    (point to the green part in the middle)
  • What's the function of sepals?
    They are leaves that protect the flower before it opens.
  • Plants need water, carbon dioxide, minerals,_________ ___ ____ ______, and sunlight to make their own food.
    chlorophyll in the leaves