
Solve the Riddles

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  • I store chemical energy that can be changed into light, sound and heat. What am I?
  • I can be a solid, a liquid or a gas? What am I?
    a substance
  • A diving board says to the doctor, "Doctor, I am so tense. What is wrong with me?" The doctor replies, "Don't worry, it's nothing, you just have a case of ...................
    a case of strain energy
  • I am a little number next to the chemical symbol of an element. What am I?
    atomic number
  • You learned only about 20 of my elements, but I have many more. What am I?
    Periodic Table
  • A juicy apple is hanging on a tree and then it falls on the ground. What energy transfer has just taken place?
    gravitational potential into movement/kinetic energy
  • I am made of only one type of atom. What am I?
    an element
  • I am invisible but you must trap me first, you compress me hard and I may burst.
    air in the balloon
  • I am the energy that cannot be used efficiently. What am I?
    wasted/dissipated energy
  • I am the tiniest particle and make up all matter. What am I?
    an atom