
Grade 5. What would you like to be in the future ...

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  • Why would she like to be a nurse?
    Because she'd like to ...............
  • Why would he like to be a pilot?
    Because he’d like to .............
  • What would he like to be in the future?
    He would like to be an architect.
  • What would she like to be in the future?
    She would like to be a nurse.
  • What would you like to be in the future?
    I would like to be a teacher.
  • Why would you like to be an architect?
    Because I’d like to design buildings.
  • Why would you like to be a writer?
    Because I’d like to ........................
  • What would you like to be in the future?
    I would like to be a singer.
  • What would you like to be in the future?
    I would like to be a pilot.
  • What would you like to be in the future?
    I'd like to be a scientist.
  • What would you like to be in the future?
    I'd like to be an astronaut.
  • What would you like to be in the future?
    I would like to be a writer.