
Open Up 6 -- Unit 4: Our environment

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  • You shouldn't do this because you make the streets dirty.
    drop litter
  • a usually hard, shiny material such as iron, gold, or silver
  • You should / shouldn't light campfires in the forest.
  • thin, flat material used for writing on
  • You should / shouldn't save water.
  • You do this when you want to help nature.
    make a wildlife area
  • You should do this when you aren't in a room.
    turn off lights
  • You do this when the garden is a mess.
    cut the grass
  • find a new use for this material so you do not have to throw it away
    reuse glass
  • Translate: Tenemos que cultivar verduras.
    We have to grow vegetables.
  • things that you throw away because you do not want them
  • put used material through a process so that it can be used again
    recycle plastic
  • You do this when you want to help some animals to eat.
    feed the birds
  • a bad use of this when there is a limited amount of it
    waste food
  • Translate: Tienes que crear una zona silvestre.
    You have to make a wildlife area.
  • You should do this to make the street clean.
    pick up litter
  • Translate: Él no tiene que quitar los hierbajos.
    He doesn't have to dip up the weeds.
  • You should / shouldn't cut down trees.
  • Translate: Yo no tengo que plantar semillas en el jardín.
    I don't have to plant seeds in the garden.
  • You should / shouldn't help animals in danger.
  • You should / shouldn't walk or ride my bike to school.
  • You do this when you want to have a beautiful garden.
    plant seeds
  • You do this when you want to have your own food in your garden.
    grow vegetables
  • You should / shouldn't buy plastic bags.
  • give these objects to someone and get others from them in return
    swap clothes
  • You do this when you want to eliminate some plants.
    dig up the weeds
  • You should / shouldn't drop litter.
  • Translate: No tengo que cortar el césped.
    I don't have to cut the grass.
  • Translate: No tienen que plantar semillas.
    They don't have to plant seeds.
  • You should / shouldn't turn off the lights when I leave the room.
  • You should / shouldn't recycle paper, glass, plastic and cans.
  • Translate: Ella tiene que alimentar a los pájaros hoy.
    She has to feed the birds today.