
Frequency words and interrogative,affirmative an ...

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  • Qual é a forma interrogativa correta da frase: "They always visit their grandparents on Sundays"?
    Do they visit always their grandparents on Sundays?
  • Coloque a frase "Do you always eat breakfast?" na forma negativa
    You don't always eat breakfast.
  • Complete a frase com o advérbio de frequência correto: "My parents go on vacation ________ in the summer.
    My parents go on vacation usually in the summer
  • Complete a frase com o advérbio de frequência correto: "She reads a book in the evening ________."
    Complete a frase com o advérbio de frequência correto: "She reads a book in the evening sometimes."
  • Qual é a forma afirmativa correta da frase: "We don't watch TV in the morning"
    we watch TV in the morning
  • A frase " You don't need to do your homework today, está correta?
  • Transforme a frase " Ela vai a escola hoje" para a interrogativa
    Does she go to school today?
  • Complete a frase com o advérbio de frequência correto: "I enjoy playing tennis, but I can play only ________."
    I enjoy playing tennis, but I can play onlysometimes
  • Transforme a frase "She eats ice cream every day" para a negativa
    She doesn't eat icre cream every day
  • Qual é a forma afirmativa da frase "He doesn't eat meat on Mondays"?
    He eat meat on Mondays.
  • Diga uma frase afirmativa usando o advérbio "usually"
    may very
  • Qual é a forma interrogativa correta da frase: "They usually walk to school"?
    Do they usually walk to school?
  • Qual é a forma afirmativa correta da frase: "We don't play board games every day"?
    We play board games every day.
  • Qual é o oposto de "always" em inglês?
  • Qual é a forma interrogativa correta da frase: "He never plays video games"?
    Does he never plays video games?
  • Usually é uma palavra que significa..?
  • Transforme a frase "She always goes to school" para a forma negativa
    Does she always goes to school?
  • Escolha a opção correta para a forma negativa da frase: "She usually helps her friends with their homework."
    She doesn't usually help her friends with their homework.