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  • What things do you first notice about someone's appearance?
  • Why do people believe that appearance is important when choosing a life partner?
  • Is the popularity of cosmetic surgery a problem in our society?
  • Do you think the expression 'Appearances are deceptive' is true? Why?
  • Why do people take so many selfies nowadays? Have we become self-obsessed?
  • Is it possible to know a person's character from their appearance?
  • Do you think there is a connection between beauty and intelligence?
  • Do you think that beautiful people are more successful in life?
  • Do you think tattoos look good on a person? Would you ever get one?
  • Do you think it is worth spending a lot of money on fashionable clothes?
  • What is the first thing you notice about someone's appearance?
  • Do you spend a lot of money on cosmetic products? Is it worth it?
  • Why do we judge women by their appearance more than men?