
Bianco's Brass Instruments

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  • How many buttons does a trombone have?
    c) 4
    d) 6
    b) 2
    a) 0
  • The French horn was invented in France.
    c) Not mentioned, but invented in Germany
    b) False, No, it was invented in Denmark
    a) True, isn’t it obvious hehehe
    d) Don’t select me, please… xox
  • How does the tuba compare to the double bass in terms of sound?
    d) It is smaller
    b) It is louder
    a) It is quieter
    c) It is higher pitched
  • What characteristic of the French horn allows it to blend well with other instruments?
    d) Loud projection
    c) Soft tone
    b) Wide range of notes
    a) Large size
  • Choose the brass instruments from lowest range to highest range.
    b) French horn - Tuba Trumpet - Trombone
    d) Tuba - Trumpet - French horn - Trombone
    a) Tuba - French horn - Trumpet - Trombone
    c) Tuba - French horn - Trombone - Trumpet
  • Which instrument is the largest in the brass family?
    a) Trombone
    d) Trumpet
    c) Tuba
    b) French horn
  • What distinguishes a brass trombone from a tenor trombone?
    b) Weight
    c) Material
    a) Size
    d) Range of notes
  • What is the distinguishing feature of a trombone?
    a) Valves
    b) Buttons
    c) Slide
    d) Keys
  • How does a trumpet player achieve softer dynamics?
    d) Adding weight to the instrument
    c) Blowing harder
    a) Using a mute
    b) Pressing valves harder
  • Which brass instrument is the highest pitched?
    d) Trumpet
    b) Trombone
    c) Tuba
    a) French horn
  • The trombone and bugle are the only exception to what rule?
    b) The pitches are changed by pressing the footpad
    d) The volume is changed by pressing the keys
    a) The pitches are changed by pressing the valves or buttons
    c) The volume is changed by pressing the valves or buttons
  • How do brass instruments create sound?
    b) By plucking strings
    d) By blowing air through a mouthpiece
    c) By striking keys
    a) By blowing air through a reed
  • What role does the tuba typically play in an orchestra?
    c) Bass support
    d) Percussion
    a) Solo instrument
    b) Leading melody
  • What makes the trombone easily recognizable?
    d) Mouthpiece
    a) Valves
    b) Buttons
    c) Slide
  • Which instrument has the biggest end piece?
    b) Tube
    a) French horn
    c) Trumpet
    d) Trombone
  • What is the main function of brass instruments in an orchestra?
    c) Playing melodies
    b) Providing harmony
    d) Providing dynamics
    a) Adding rhythm
  • How does the French horn player control the tone?
    b) By pressing buttons
    d) By using a mute
    a) By adjusting the valves
    c) By moving the hand in the bell
  • Which brass instrument is known for its gentle sound?
    b) French horn
    d) Tuba
    a) Trumpet
    c) Trombone
  • What type of trombone can play lower notes?
    a) Tenor
    c) Alto
    d) Soprano
    b) Brass
  • What is the function of valves or buttons in brass instruments?
    d) To change the pitch x
    c) To press against the lips
    a) To change the volume
    b) To adjust the tone