
Passive voice with modals

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  • The students can easily solve the problem.
    The problem can be easily solved by the students.
  • They may serve a meal.
    A meal may be served.
  • We must fill in the form at the reception on arrival.
    The form must be filled in at the reception on arrival.
  • You shouldn't give them your money.
    Your money shouldn't be given to them.
  • People must wear seatbelts during take-off and landing.
    Seatbelts must be worn during take-off and landing.
  • You can take money out of a cash machine.
    Money can be taken out of a cash machine.
  • We can keep the library book for two weeks.
    The library book can be kept for two weeks.
  • The company should offer you a job soon.
    A job soon should be offered by the company.
  • We can't eat sushi from the streets.
    Sushi from the streets can't be eaten.