
Social Thinking

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  • Is this the appropriate response/reaction? Why or why not?
  • Is this the appropriate response/reaction? Why or why not?
  • Is this the appropriate response/reaction? Why or why not?
  • Was this an appropriate reaction/response? What could you do differently next time?
    discuss answer with classmate(s)
  • Is this the appropriate response/reaction? Why or why not?
    discuss answer with classmate(s)
  • Is this the appropriate response/reaction? Why or why not?
  • How do you think your friend might feel? What could you do differently next time?
    discuss answer with classmate(s)
  • Is this the right choice? Why or why not?
    discuss answer with classmate(s)
  • Is this the appropriate response/reaction? Why or why not?
    discuss answer with classmate(s)