
Why are you?

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  • Why are you naked?
  • Why are you wearing a clown costume?
  • Why are you hiding under the desk?
  • Why are you so happy?
  • Why are your hands dirty?
  • Why is the TV on?
  • Why are you tired?
  • Why are you disappointed?
  • Why are you holding that baby?
  • Why are you wearing youe best dress?
  • Why are you sneezing?
  • Why are you limping?
  • Why are you wearing a wig?
  • Why are the police here?
  • Why is your leg in plaster?
  • Why are you eating so much?
  • Why are your hands in blood?
  • Why do you have a black eye?
  • Why are you cold?
  • Why isn't my car here?
  • Why is your hair untidy?
  • Why do you smell terrible?