
Nauryz in KZ

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  • What is the name of this game in the picture?
    Kazakh kokpar
  • In terms of size, Kazakhstan in the _____ largest country in the world.
  • What traditional dish is prepared for Nauryz?
    Nauryz- kozhe
  • List at least five of the seven ingredients of Nauryz kozhe.
    Meat, water, kefir/yogurt, salt, rice, barley, noodles/pasta
  • What number is considered significant/lucky during Nauryz?
  • Which lake in Kazakhstan is considered one of the largest in the world?
  • Name the place you see in the picture.
  • What will the woman do to the man if he cannot reach her before the finishing point in the game that you see in the picture?
    She will punish him with a whip.
  • What kind of wool was used traditionally to make yurt?
    Camel wool
  • What is the name of KZ traditional swing?
  • What fruit is believed to have originated from Kazakhstan?
  • What tradition is celebrated right before Nauryz? During this tradition, people visit each other and and shake hands, saying: "Bir zhasymnmen!" which means – Congratulation with successful completion of the year!
    Korisu Ait, on March 14th.
  • What is the name of this game?
    Kyz kuu
  • How long does the official Nauryz holiday last in Kazakhstan?
    Three days
  • On what date does Nauryz celebration begin in Kazakhstan?
    21st March
  • What traditional custom is considered to bring good luck and success during Nauryz?
    Inviting 7 guests and visiting 7 houses
  • What is the name of this tradition? What can you tell about it?
    Syrga salu. It's a tradition where the groom's mother puts earrings on the future bride, after which the girl is considered engaged.
  • According to legend, he is the wise man who walks across the earth during Nauryz holiday.
  • What does the spring equinox mean?
    The day when the length of the day and night are the same.
  • Why is it important to clean the house on the eve of Nauryz?
    Kydyr ata will bless the house if it is clean
  • How was Nauryz called in ancient times?
    Nauryz was called holiday «Ulys» and symbolized the beginning of the new year for the steppe people
  • Name 5 countries, other than Kazakhstan, that also celebrate Nauryz.
    Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, India, Iran, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
  • What board game is traditionally played on Nauryz?
  • Describe the tradition: Erulik.
    A small celebration to allow newcomers to quickly adapt to the new location.