
This, That, These, Those

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  • Ask me a question.
    What's that?
  • Tell me about the fruit.
    They're bananas.
  • Ask me a question.
    What are these?
  • Tell me about the fruit.
    It's a banana.
  • Tell me about the fruit.
    They're strawberries.
  • Ask me a question.
    What's that?
  • Tell me about the fruit.
    They're  peaches.
  • Tell me about the fruit.
    It's a watermelon.
  • Ask me a question.
    What's this?
  • Tell me about the fruit.
    It's a pineapple.
  • Ask me a question.
    What are those?
  • Ask me a question.
    What's this?
  • Ask me a question.
    What are these?
  • Tell me about the fruit.
    They're oranges.
  • Ask me a question.
    What are those?
  • Tell me about the fruit.
    It's an apple.