
outcomes unit 5

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  • It was so hot that I nearly _____________.
    passed out
  • I fell off my bike and___________ my knee slightly.
  • It's very easy to ___________ if you suddenly do too much exercise.
    strain a muscle
  • I ________________ in my knee while I was playing football.
    tore a ligament
  • I slipped badly on some ice and ______________.
    twisted my ankle
  • A spider bit me and now my hand is_______________.
  • It takes several months for a bone to____________.
  • If you don't wash that cut, it might __________.
    get infected
  • I sometimes feel___________ when I don't eat enough.
  • He fell, hit his head on a table and ______________.
    knocked himself out
  • After breaking my arm, I wore a___________ for about eight weeks.
  • The X-ray revealed a tiny _______________ in my ankle bone.
    hairline fracture