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  • "I wish you __________________ (have) some other hobby!" she said.
  • When my mum __________________ (drive) me to the airport, she noticed that something was wrong with me.
    was driving
  • The voice on the other end of the line sounded familiar but Kim __________________ (not can) remember who it belonged to
  • Jenny __________________ (feel) a terrible pain and started to cry. Her mum came outside and saw that her hand was swollen and looked dark
  • “There __________________ (be) nothing to be sorry about! It’s natural to feel nervous before your first flight.
  • Ray strongly believes that soon computer intelligence will be a billion times more __________________ (power) than the human brain.
  • "There are still several trees in the garden I haven’t climbed yet," Jenny said. One day, she__________________ (climb) the apple tree in the yard, when she suddenly slipped and fell down.
    was climbing
  • The plane __________________ (take) off smoothly. The pilot informed the passengers about the details of the flight.
  • If I __________________ (be) older, I would explain to that lady how to talk to people politely.
  • The theatre has changed several times during __________________ (it) history.
  • “Can I take a message?” Kim asked politely. “No. I __________________(call) her later. When is she going to be back?”
    will call
  • According to historical documents, it __________________(begin) in March 1776 when Prince Pyotr Urusov was granted Royal permission to build a public theatre in Moscow.
  • So far he has written six books about artificial intelligence, and four of them have become __________________(nation) best sellers in the USA.
  • If I __________________(have) the opportunity to go there more often, I would do it every week.
  • But now climbing was out – Jenny was determined to stick to her promise. “If I break my promise, mum __________________ (be) upset. And I don’t want her to feel like this.”
    will be
  • “I’m fine, Mum. Don’t worry.” I tried to sound calm. “I __________________ (call) you as soon as we land.”
    will call
  • The phone woke Kim up. She answered the call almost immediately, after the__________________(three) beep.
  • I thought that visiting __________________ (she) would be great fun, but I felt nervous and scared.
  • He knew the car manual by heart. He had car problems at least once a month, and he always found a way to fix __________________(they) himself.
  • Her mother took Jenny to the doctor. It turned out that two of the bones __________________ (break).
    were broken
  • Dylan was very pleased with the new look. The only problem was that the car stereo __________________(not work) properly. Dylan managed to fix it himself.
    didn't work
  • I wish I __________________ (can) go with you, but you know that I can’t.”
  • “She normally __________________ (come) home at five.” “Fine,” came the answer and the phone went dead.
  • It __________________ (design) by architect Andrei Mikhailov who was also the architect of the Maly Theatre.
    was designed
  • Kurzweil disagrees with them and says that we are already a human-machine civilization. We already use high level technology to diagnose diseases, provide __________________(educate), and develop new technologies.
  • However, lots of experts don’t believe it and say that it is absolutely __________________(possible).
  • Then we __________________ (offer) refreshing drinks. I had some orange juice and closed my eyes.
    were offered
  • However, this time, it was a job for a mechanic. So he __________________ (take) his car to the closest service station.
  • For several weeks, Jenny had to have the cast on. It was a huge relief to get it off, finally. At last she could get back to her favourite __________________ (activity) which were running, swimming, and climbing.
  • She actually looked younger than other __________________ (woman) of her age and that was probably because of her walking.
  • Jenny loved climbing. It was a strange hobby for a girl and her family wanted her to stop it, but Jenny __________________ (not listen) to anybody.
    didn't listen
  • It __________________(be) a shame to drive a car that looked like that and Dylan took it to a paint shop.
  • There the car __________________ (paint) dark blue for $200.
  • It was a great day yesterday. My friends and I __________________ (go) to see a performance at the Bolshoi Theatre.
  • Then one day Dylan had a new problem – petrol. He could smell it while he __________________(drive) his car. Dylan asked himself “Am I driving a bomb? Could the car explode at any minute?”
    was driving
  • “Hello,” the lady said. “Can I speak to Mrs. Len?” “I’m sorry but she’s not at home. She’s out. She __________________(walk) in the park.”
    is walking
  • You certainly know that the Bolshoi Theatre is the __________________(famous) theatre in Russia and probably in the world.
    most famous
  • “Are you all right?’ she asked. “You’re afraid of flying, aren’t you?” “Yes, I __________________ (not want) to tell you. I’m a bit scared. Sorry.”
    didn't want
  • Catherine II, Empress of Russia, was fond of arts. She __________________ (not mind) having a new theatre in her country.
    didn't mind
  • It was true. My mum was the __________________ (busy) woman in the world.
  • Dylan had a very old car. It was 20 years old. But the faded paint made it look even __________________(old) than that.
  • Ray Kurzweil is a very popular figure in the field of science. He is a leading computer __________________ (science) who has made lots of predictions about the future of humanity.
  • Kurzweil thinks that by 2030, computers will do more __________________(impress) tasks. They will be able to understand ordinary spoken language and show emotions.
  • For the__________________ (one) time Jenny had a cast on her arm, from her fingers down to her elbow.
  • But not everyone __________________ (know) the history of the Bolshoi Theatre.
  • The original building of the theatre had a hall with almost 1,000 seats, a stage and an orchestra pit. Directly over the stage there __________________ (be) boxes where the most noble fans of the theatre had their seats.
  • "Jenny, please, promise __________________ (I) that you'll never do this silly climbing again!" Jenny nodded.
  • She believed that it __________________ (help) her keep fit and gave her extra energy.
  • The mechanic said they __________________ (test) the car to find out what the problem was. He told Dylan to come back in an hour.
    would test
  • "Let me think about it. I __________________ (GIVE) you a call when I decide what to do." But Dylan had already decided what to do.
    will give
  • It was very cold out-of-doors and everything __________________ (cover) in snow but Kim’s mother walked in all weathers.
    was covered