
Environment/Eco home

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  • what are these? what do they do?
    wooden beams, they hold up the ceiling/roof/house
  • What is a 'spring'?
    a place where fresh water comes out of the ground
  • What are these?
  • what is 'wildlife'?
    the animals and plants living in a certain place
  • what is electricity?
    the energy we use to make machines work
  • what is the climate like in the Ukraine?
  • Name some advantages of an 'eco home'
  • what is 'climate'?
    the weather conditions in an area in general or over a long period
  • a synonym for 'rubbish'
  • How can you save and use less water?
    collect rainwater, take shorter showers, turn off the tap when brushing your teeth, reuse water, etc.
  • What is 'mud'?
    soft, wet earth
  • What is alternative energy?
    a way of making electricity from, for example, wind, water or solar power
  • what is a flat piece of glass that catches the sun's energy?
    solar panel
  • to hurt something or do something bad to it = d_____
    to damage
  • You should always put _____ in the bin
  • a large, round rock in Space that goes around the Sun
  • materials we burn, such as coal and oil, to make electricity, are also called ____ ____
    fossil fuels
  • What can you do to help the environment?