
Active to Passive

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  • The kids love ice-cream.
    Ice-cream is loved by the kids.
  • A lot of people love Coca-Cola.
    Coca-cola is loved by a lot of people.
  • Sherlock Holmes could solve the mystery.
    The mistery could be solved by Sherlock Homes.
  • Machado de Assis wrote 'Dom Casmurro'.
    Dom casmurro was written by Machado de Assis.
  • Polar bears eat seals.
    Seals are eaten by polar bears.
  • We did our homework.
    Our homework was done.
  • Her mom cooked spaghetti.
    Spaghetti was cooked by her mom.
  • Thomas Edison imvented the light bulb.
    The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.
  • I have asked you about your family.
    You have been asked about your family.
  • John collects money.
    Money is collected by John.
  • Ada Lovelace created the first computer algorithm.
    The first computer algorithm was created by Ada Lovelace.
  • She will take her dog for a walk tomorrow.
    Her dog will be taken for a walk tomorrow.
  • Everyone spends lots of money on decoration in Christmas season.
    Lots of money is spent on decoration in Christmas season.
  • Anna opened the window.
    The window was opened by Anna.