
Kindergarten: Colors and Letters

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  • Name something that starts with M.
    mail, map, mouse, monkey
  • Name something that starts with B.
    ball, balloon, bee, bat
  • Name something that starts with F.
    fun, fall, fly, feet
  • Name three things that are blue.
    sky, water, blueberries, whale, blue bird
  • Name something that starts with I.
    igloo, itch, in, inside
  • Name 3 things that are yellow.
    sun, duck, flower, leaves, corn, banana, bee, cheese
  • Name 3 things that are orange.
    orange, pumpkin, fox, leaves, carrots, tiger, ball
  • Name three things that are pink.
    pig, bow, flower, heart
  • Name something that starts with U.
    umbrella, up, upside-down, under
  • Name three things that are white.
    snow, snowman, clouds, teeth
  • Name something that starts with T
    tall, table, tiger, top
  • Name three things that are green.
    apple, grass, leaves, trees, pepper, broccoli, peas
  • Name three things that are purple.
    grapes, plum, butterfly, jelly, flower
  • Name something that starts with N.
    name, number, new, nice
  • Name 3 things that are red.
    Strawberry, cherry, pepper, tomato, apple, lips, fire, leaves
  • Name three things that are black.
    night, road, ant, bat, spider