
Reporting Verbs

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  • "Remember to bring your books tomorrow" She...
    She reminded me to bring my books the following / next day.
  • "Sorry I couldn't go to your party" He...
    He apologised for not coming to my party.
  • "You should really watch that movie!" He...
    He recommended watching that movie / insisted on watching that movie.
  • "I won't do what you told me!" She...
    She refused to do what I / they told her.
  • "Let's go to the cinema next Saturday" She...
    She suggested going to the cinema the following / next Saturday.
  • "It was you who ate my chocolates!" He...
    He accused me of eating his chocolates.
  • "If only I had studied harder" She...
    She regretted not having studied harder.
  • "I'll give you a lift to the airport" She..
    She offered to give me a lift to the airport.
  • "I'll be there as soon as I can" She...
    She promised to be there as soon as she could
  • "You'll be grounded unless you finish your homework soon" He...
    He threatened to ground me / me with being grounded unless I finished my homework soon.
  • "If I were you, I would study more" He ...
    He advised me to study more.
  • "It was me who left the front door open" She...
    She amitted (to) having left / leaving the door open.
  • "Would you like to come to my house for tea" She ...
    She invited me to go to her house for tea.
  • "Don't go so near the edge of the cliff" He ...
    He warned me against going / not to go so near the edge of the cliff.
  • "I'm multilingual. I am fluent in more than five languages" She...
    She boasted about being multilingual / about being fluent in more than five languages.
  • "I didn't take your car yesterday" He ...
    He denied taking / having taken my car the day before / the previous day.