
Giving advice - A2

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  • It's my sister's birthday tomorrow, what should I buy her?
    You should...
  • I need to cook for my friends tonight, but I don't know what to make.
    You should...
  • My classmate is smelling bad, should I tell them?
    You should...
  • I'm going to a dinner party this weekend and I need to bring dessert, but I have no idea what to bring.
    You should...
  • It's my grandma's birthday this month. What should I do?
    You should...
  • I need to exercise, but I hate gyms. What should I do?
    You should...
  • I have a birthday party on the weekend and I don't know what to wear.
    You should...
  • I have a birthday party to go and I need to buy a present. The birthday girl is 10 years old. What should I get her?
    You should...