
"ex" vocabulary

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  • Strong expression of surprise, excitement, or anger (e.g., "Wow!")
    Exclamation: "He shouted in exclamation, 'I won!'"
  • To breathe out (opposite of inhale)
    Exhale: "Take a deep breath and exhale slowly."
  • To give off something naturally
    Exude: "The flowers exuded a beautiful fragrance."
  • 1. High-ranking manager; 2. Strong decision-maker
    Executive: "The executive team met to discuss the strategy."
  • Using a lot of energy, physically or mentally
    Exertion: "The hike required a lot of exertion."
  • To make something seem bigger or more important than it is
    Exaggerate:"He often exaggerates his achievements."
  • No longer valid or usable
    Expired: "My passport has expired and I need to renew it."
  • To send goods/services to another country to sell
    Export: "China is a major exporter of electronics."
  • The fact that something is real
    Existence:"The existence of life on Mars is still debated."
  • 1. Take unfair advantage; 2. Use something effectively
    Exploit: "The company exploited its workers." (negative)
  • 1. Public display of objects/information; 2. To show or reveal
    Exhibit: "The museum exhibits dinosaur fossils."
  • To become bigger or wider
    Expand: "The company is expanding into new markets."
  • Someone outgoing, enjoys being around people
    Extrovert: "She's an extrovert who loves parties."
  • 1. Only available to a specific group; 2. High-quality and expensive
    Exclusive: "The concert tickets were exclusive and sold out quickly."
  • To be more than or greater than something
    Exceed: "My sales exceeded my target this month."
  • To completely destroy something (often pests/insects)
    Exterminate: "The government is trying to exterminate the mosquitoes."