
ABCDEF letter check

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  • What letter is it?  What sound does it make?
    Letter A
  • What letter is it?  What sound does it make?
    Letter C
  • What is it? What's the first letter? What sound does it make?
    an ant
  • What letter is it?  What sound does it make?
    Letter E
  • What is it? What's the first letter? What sound does it make?
    an eagle
  • What is it? What's the first letter? What sound does it make?
    a bear
  • What is it? What's the first letter? What sound does it make?
    a frog
  • What letter is it?  What sound does it make?
    Letter D
  • What is it? What's the first letter? What sound does it make?
    a fish
  • What is it? What's the first letter? What sound does it make?
    a dog
  • What letter is it?  What sound does it make?
    Letter B
  • What is it? What's the first letter? What sound does it make?
    a ball
  • What is it? What's the first letter? What sound does it make?
    a cat
  • What is it? What's the first letter? What sound does it make?
    an egg
  • What is it? What's the first letter? What sound does it make?
    an apple
  • What letter is it?  What sound does it make?
    Letter F