
Would rather vs would prefer

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  • I ___ to add brown sugar
    would prefer
  • He says that ___ to visit Greece in December
    would prefer
  • What would he ___ to drink in the morning?
  • I ____ to watch a movie rather than go to a concert.
    would prefer
  • Would you ___ to look after my dog or my cat?
  • Would you ____ have a salad or soup for lunch?
  • I ___ eat apples than oranges
    would rather
  • I ___ to eat out than make dinner at home
    would prefer
  • The beach is nice, but I ___ to go sightseeing
    would prefer
  • They ___ eat omelette than oatmeal for breakfast
    would rather
  • I ___ go to a concert than watch a movie
    would rather
  • I believe, he ___ to stay with us than go to Kyiv
    would prefer
  • I think, I ____ look after his dog, because it's quiet
    would rather
  • We ___ to have oatmel for breakfast to omelette
    would prefer
  • What ___ you ____ to do tonight?
    would... prefer
  • I ___ go to Greece in December not in May
    would rather
  • I don't want to go out. I ___ stay home
    would rather
  • Bob ___ translate the text than write this exercise
    would rather
  • I like mountains, but I ___ spend time on the beach
    would rather
  • Mike ___ come with me than stay with you
    would rather
  • Carmen ___ to read a book rather than listen to it
    would prefer