
focus 3 . 7.4

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  • To help more people learn to read and write.
    Improve literacy rates
  • When you think something is not hard to understand or do.
    Find something easy to follow
  • To make reading more enjoyable.
    Enhance the reading experience
  • When something is very interesting and keeps your attention
    Be deeply engaging
  • When you can’t pay attention because of other things.
    Feel distracted by
  • When something is created or developed using a particular idea, concept, or source as its foundation.
    Be based on
  • To express disapproval or negative opinions about something.
    Be critical of
  • Reading like people did before computers and phones. With real books or newspapers instead of screens.
    Read in the old-fashioned way
  • Saying good things about something.
    Review something positively
  • When a story doesn’t tell you everything, so you can think about it yourself. It lets you be creative.
    Leave something to your imagination