
Game of Everything

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  • BRAIN TEASER: A man stands on one side of a river, and his dog who doesn't know how to swim on the other. He calls his dog who immediately crosses the river without without using a bridge or a boat. How did the dog do it?
    The river was frozen.
  • BRAIN TEASER: I'm holding something that shows 8+8 =4. What object do I have?
    A clock/watch. This is because 8+8=16, and when converted to military time is equal to 4:00PM
  • TRIVIA: Which is the hottest planet in the solar system?
  • BRAIN TEASER: (Identify the word in the image)
    Greener Pastures
  • BRAIN TEASER: Which among these has the most moving parts: sundial, mechanical clock, hourglass, or ?
    The hourglass - It has thousands of grains of sand.
  • TRIVIA: Which video game series are these logos from?
    Brawl Stars
  • TRIVIA: Anthropology is a field of science that studies which species?
  • TRIVIA: Name three countries that use Spanish as a language.
    (See image)
  • TRIVIA: Koalas are native to which country?
  • TRIVIA: In football, to what club did Lionel Messi transfer to in 2021 after playing with FC Barcelona his whole career?
    Paris Saint-Germain
  • TRIVIA: Bull, Nurse, Great White, Goblin, Hammerhead are species of which animal?
  • TRIVIA: Name the top 3 largest Countries by land area.
    Russia, China, Canada