
Sea life

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  • It is a tiny fish that looks like a little horse
    a seahorse
  • It is one of the biggest sea animals.
    A whale
  • It is a sea animal with eight long arms. It can change colors and hide in the water
    an octopus
  • is a sandyIt is place by the sea where you can build sandcastles, play, and feel the waves.
    the beach
  • It is a star-shaped animal with five arms. It lives in the sea and comes in different colors
    a starfish
  • It is a cute animal that lives in the water. It has a smooth fur coat and loves to play
    a seal
  • It is a slow but friendly animal with a hard shell on its back. It lives both in water and on land
    a turtle
  • It is a heavy metal object that keeps boats in one place. It looks like a big hook
    an anchor
  • It is a hard covering that protects animals like snails or crabs. It can be found on the beach
    a shell
  • isIt is a strong and fast fish with sharp teeth. It's a great swimmer in the deep sea.
    a shark
  • It is a smart and playful sea animal. It loves to swim and jump in the water
    a dolphin